A game created for the Pirate Software game Jam by myself and my friend, RengarTheRed.

You're a junior cultist who has accidentally summoned a creature from beyond the veil, and you now have to find it food, before it decides you're a better snack.

The accompanying GDD is here:


The GDD has been written by both team members, mostly covering the areas that we implemented.

WASD is move
Scroll wheel changes held item
Press E to interact
Sword is used for slaying animals
Trowel is used for preparing pots (When soil needs "tilling")
To cook, drag up to 3 food items into the pot. You can stir with the spoon to make it cook faster.

The project unfortunately did not get nearly as much time and love as we would have liked to put into it, but any learning experiences are always fun, and we hope you enjoy the little project we've made!



  • Designing mechanics, premise, and levels
  • Acquisition, tweaking and implementation of art, music and animations
  • Creation of levels
  • Creating very simple animations

RengarTheRed :

  • Coding of mechanics
  • Design and coding AI
  • Design and implementation of UI

Credits for assets used:

Updated 27 days ago
Authorsthambles, RengarTheRed

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